Italian Trulli

Amazon Ad Intelligence — All In One Place

Centralize your ad and financial metrics to see the impact your PPC campaigns have on your business.


Evaluate your PPC Spends at a Category-Brand-ASIN Level

Measure your PPC-related sales and expenses to understand spend by ASIN. Compare historical sales attributed to PPC spend with organic sales and view PPC expenses at the product level or over a certain date range.

What is ECOMM PULSE Marketing Analytics?

Marketing Analytics is a comprehensive tool that aggregates Seller Central, Campaign Manager data and Amazon advertising accounts to help sellers evaluate PPC success. Analyse Marketing profitability with metrics and data visualizations at a company, ASIN, and campaign level.

Get high-level company insights.

Find out how well your ads are performing, where you’re spending money, and the sales ratio between sponsored and organic sales to ensure you’re aligned with your PPC goals. View Marketing metrics with customizable widgets and a company-wide waterfall chart to understand the profitability of your ad strategy.

Analyse campaign sales performance

Get a transparent view into the performance of a specific ASIN or product. Track and monitor key metrics like total sales, ACoS, and TACoS to see the effect your Marketing has on your organic sales.

Organize your ad metrics​

Analyse your spend by ASIN and Brand on a single page with a clean. Toggle between multiple views of key ad metrics such as Impressions, Page Views, CTR, CVR, and pinpoint ASIN that fall into 2 categories Opportunity & Work In progress based on conversion rates

Unlock your Amazon profitability with Marketing Analytics

Learn how ECOMM PULSE’s newest feature helps sellers extract key insights to improve marketing spends at an ASIN level based on conversion rates and TACoS Ratios

Marketing Analytics KPIs

Frequently Asked Questions

How to calculate Total Sales?

Organic Sales + Ad Driven Sales

What does PPC stand for?

Pay Per Click

what is AD SALES?

Sales generated via advertising Amazon PPC spends

what is AD SPENDS?

Total Amount Spent in Ads


The number of times ads were displayed

what is PAGE VIEWS?

The number of times once a person clicked and reach your product page, which is inclusive of organic pageviews and advertisement driven pageviews

what is AD CLICKS?

The number of times your ads were clicked.

What does CTR stand for?

Click-through rate (CTR)
The ratio of how often shoppers click on your ad when displayed. This is calculated as clicks divided by impressions.

how to find CONVERSION RATE?

Total Units/Total Glance Views (or detail page views)
Conversion%: This is an indicator how many conversions (Units ordered) are resulting from individual product views. Ideally, you should sort this column in a descending order and select the top ones for advertising.

what is Average Monthly Rate?

Average Monthly Ratings Across categories on Amazon, 2-5% of consumers come back and rate the product Ratings indicate the quality and customer experience that the brand provides.

how to improve conversion rates?

The increase in number of ratings and reviews also improve conversion rates of paid traffic thereby reducing the cost of ads Once the brand attains a certain conversion rate for your listings, the ads become profitable.

what is increased sales velocity?

The marketplace ads running keep getting more efficient as conversion rates keep going up because of more reviews and ratings And because of increased sales velocity, it is discovered even more and more organically further reducing the reliance on ads.

what does CPC stands for?

Cost-per-click (CPC)
This is the average amount you paid for each click on an ad.

what is ROAS?

Return on ad spend (ROAS)
The revenue you receive from your advertising investment. This is calculated by dividing sales attributed to your ads by your spend. Attribution varies by campaign type.

what is Category?

This represents which category the ASIN belongs to. This is the actual Amazon category to which the product got added while cataloguing/listing.

what is Glance Views?

GVs are the number of detail page views for that ASIN over a specific time period. This includes organic as well as views due to ads.

what is Buy Box %?

Buy Box % is the number of times buy box was visible on the detail page for that offer (of that seller advertiser) divided by total number of detail page views. For a vendor, if any of the sellers have a Buy box, it is counted as a buy box winner.

% of GVs driven by Ads Where to Find?

The metric shows the % of your brand’s GVs driven by Amazon ads. If this number is high, it shows dependence on marketplace ads As the brand matures, the % of brand’s GVs driven by ads should keep coming down

% of Sales driven by Ads?

This is a derived metric The sales volume driven by ads can be found in the advertising console The overall sales volume can be found in seller/vendor central If the number is high, it shows over dependence on ads and not a healthy indicator.

what is ACOS(Advertising Cost of Sales)?

Advertising Console ACOS= Ad spends on Amazon/Ad revenue on Amazon, This measures the efficiency of the advertising campaigns As the brand matures and conversion rates improves, this metric should keep coming down But this metric is also dependent on competitive advertising activity on the platform.

what is TACOS(Total Advertising Cost of Sales)?

This is a derived metric TACOS= Ad spend on Amazon/ Total Revenue on Amazon This is a significantly more important metric compared to ACOS as it helps to understand platform level profitability This metric should keep coming down with scale. If this metric keeps coming down, it means the Amazon flywheel is picking pace More on the Amazon growth flywheel here.

what is higher sales velocity?

After the brand/SKU crosses a certain threshold of reviews and sales velocity, organic discoverability further increases. This results in higher sales velocity, more reviews, and ratings and in turn even higher ranking for generic searches giving it even higher sales velocity.

How to Understand Amazon Ranking & Sales Flywheel?

Advertising driven impressions Product detailed page views Sales Reviews Ratings Organic Discovery These are the key elements that drive visibility of your products on Amazon.
Understand how the sales fly feel works, Flywheels (compounding channels) are difficult to get started and moving, but once they start moving (consistent sales), the force(spends) required to maintain/accelerate the flywheel reduces significantly.
A good analogy to describe this would be akin to sending a rocket into outer space, the Force(spends) needed to get thru the earth’s atmosphere for the ASIN initially is high after which its dependency Force(spends) is significantly low and ranks higher over time.

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