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PPC Spend Estimator

Estimates ad budget based on target glance views and historical data analysis.


This budget planner estimates the sponsored ads budget (or the spends needed) for an advertiser based on the target number of total glance views expected by the advertiser.

  • The planner accepts the target growth in glance views as the key input. The planner then based on historical data, predicts the glance views that would be obtained organically (without advertising) and the incremental glance views that would need to be generated through advertising.
  • Then using the historical cost-per-click data, the planner computes an estimate of the budget or the adspend the advertiser would need for achieving the said number of glance views (ad clicks) through advertising.

PPC Spend Estimator KPIs

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Glance View?

A visit to the detail page of any product (ASIN) on Amazon counts as a single "Glance View". "Page-views" or "Detail-page views" or "Glance View" are different ways to refer to the same metric.

How does the " PPC Spend Estimator Budget Planner" estimate budget?

This budget planner estimates the sponsored ads budget (or the spends needed) for an advertiser based on the target number of total glance views expected by the advertiser. The planner accepts the target growth in glance views as the key input. The planner then based on historical data, predicts the glance views that would be obtained organically (without advertising) and the incremental glance views that would need to be generated through advertising. Then using the historical cost-per-click data, the planner computes an estimate of the budget or the ads pend the advertiser would need for achieving the said number of glance views (ad clicks) through advertising.

What are the steps required to use this budget planner?

The budget planner provides trailing 3 months performance data as reference, and then involves the following steps: The planner asks for the 'Planned growth' which the advertiser expects in glance views in the next 3 months. The growth should be entered considering the 'last completed month' as the baseline. For instance, if the last completed month is Jul-20 and the advertiser got 1000 glance views in that month, then the planner expects the growth expected in August, September and October on considering 1000 as the baseline (for instance, a growth of 10%, 20%, 30% will imply 1100, 1200, 1300 glance views for the next 3 months respectively). The planner also displays the historical percentage of glance views, the advertiser has got on an average. There is an option to edit the historically computed value manually. The historical cost-per-click value for the advertiser is also pre-filled in the planner. The category range for cost-per-click is also provides as reference, with an option to edit the pre-filled values

How do I get help if something is not working?

Please drop a mail to us if something is not working for you, or you have any feedback on current features, or to request new features. For best browsing experience, please use Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Internet Explorer is not supported in this release.

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