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Privacy Center

As the leading platform for selling on Amazon & Flipkart , ECOMMPULSE prioritizes the privacy and security of brands and entrepreneurs worldwide.

We secure your data

We’re proud to have the longest track record of data collection in the industry. Securing this data is a responsibility we take seriously.

We know data privacy is everything to our customers — that’s why we’re committed to protecting yours.

  • &nbsp We employ thousands of secure servers to safeguard your data.
  • &nbspWe will never sell your personal information or data to third parties.
  • &nbspAmazon & Flipkart  has audited and approved our protection processes.
  • &nbspWe will never compete with you in any way.

We provide solutions

Our customer service representatives may access your account as needed in order to respond to your questions. We want to understand and address your particular challenges so our team can provide a personalized solution for your business.

We have your back

We employ our own methods as well as third-party tools to detect fraudulent behavior. For protection purposes, our fraud prevention policy requires that personal information may be accessed to ensure fair and legitimate use of our services.
We believe in putting the data in your hands. The data you choose to share helps us improve our services, conduct research, and provide support.

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