Italian Trulli

Amazon Reimbursements Made Simple.


How does this work for Returns:

  • When a customer initiates a refund, amazon reimburses the whole sum right away (and charges the seller) without waiting for the actual return to arrive in the FBA warehouse.
  • Some customers change their mind and don’t send the product back.
  • Amazon waits for 45 days and if the product still hasn’t been returned, charges the customer again and reimburses the seller.
  • However, sometimes the last step (reimbursement to the seller) doesn’t take place, that is the product wasn’t returned, but amazon doesn’t reimburse you either.
  • This report helps you find such cases in order to ask the seller support to research and reimburse you the money.

Please note that the potential reimbursements in the report are estimations. The seller support might reimburse less or decline your request completely..

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